Thursday 4 April 2013

Indian Tiger

Tigers belong to the cat children that includes lions, jaguars and leopards. Tiger is the major of the livelihood cats. There are five types of tigers on soil and Siberian tigers are the biggest surrounded by all. Unfortunately, tigers are facing a grave risk of death as great scale poach is rife in the country where these are found.
India had always prove to be a secure haven for tigers in the past as public have worshipped natural world and animals. But with way of time and change in perception of the world around us, moderately with the increase in materialism, tigers were required on a large scale for money and medicinal purposes.
Rising to the alarm of extermination Project Tiger was conceived in 1973. Consequently, several forest were declared no-hunting zones and laws were framed for safety of tigers. therefore, the birth of national parks. India, being house to about 60% of the world's wild tiger population, is now the top hope for tiger death
The similar variety of tigers are: Royal Bengal Tiger, Indo chinese tiger, Siberian tiger (also called Amur tigers), South China tiger, and Sumatran tiger.
The Indian tiger is second only to the Siberian tiger in size. Their rule is tremendous. Male Indian tigers generally evaluate in excess of 250 kg and persons in excess of 380 kg are verified. These may capture prey items in excess of 900 kg.
Royal Bengal Tiger
The Bengal tiger grow to be only about 10 feet long (including the tail) and weighs in at roughly 400 to 600 pounds. The Bengal tiger has a comfortable color and darker stripes than the Siberian tiger. Bengal tigers intermittently have a cover that is white instead of orange. These white Bengal tigers have freezing blue eyes and black, or brown stripe and a little brown skin color on the nose.

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